Adore A Door: Climbing Up The Walls; Neve Tzedek, Israel

October 23, 2012 § Leave a comment

The narrow streets of Neve Tzedek are picturesque, filled with century old structures that house little shops, cafes, and stunningly beautiful homes.  Though technically a part of Tel Aviv, this neighborhood actually predates the urban hub. It was established in 1887 by a group of Jewish families looking for relief from the bustle of Jaffa.  The area fell into disarray in the middle of the 20th century, but went through a period of revival after many of its buildings were placed on preservation lists in the 1980s.  Nowadays, Neve Tzedek is quite the popular destination.

For an area overflowing with charm, one house seems to attract more attention than the rest.  This structure sits on a street corner, where figures sit on benches and cling to railings; some even seem to hang out of windows.


The sculptures are beautiful: chubby and cheerful.  Of course, I couldn’t help but notice the ornate bright red door at the entrance.


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