Adore A Door: Sandy’s Coming

October 29, 2012 § Leave a comment

Well, she sure knows how to make headlines.  Today’s Adore A Door is in honor of all of those in Hurricane Sandy’s path.  Also known as “Franenstorm,” this category one/nor’easter hybrid is barreling her way up the Northeastern coast of the United States.  From North Carolina to parts of Canada, all the way to the Ohio Valley, millions of people will be feeling her wrath (if they aren’t already).

Photo Courtesy of NYTimes

This photo is featured on the front page of today’s New York Times.  “Jon Cronin, left, with his son, Miles, 4, stacked sandbags against the entrance to his wife’s art studio on the Red Hook waterfront in Brooklyn. The building is within the mandatory evacuation zone.”

The storm is certainly a danger, but in an attempt to sustain even just a thread of optimism, I’d like to acknowledge how incredibly adorable this team is.  The matching black and white French stripes and black pants.  The white sand bags against the black carriage doors.  The patchy red brick.  The teamwork and love demonstrated between the two.  This photo is beautiful.

Good luck to everyone in harm’s way.  Sending prayers and love.  Be safe.  United we stand.

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