Adore A Door: Grace Church

March 14, 2013 § Leave a comment

Funny the things that go unseen until we take notice. Of course, this statement seems rather obvious, but lately I’ve been making a concerted effort to be more mindful and appreciative of my surroundings.


Grace Church School

I’ve passed this door many times throughout my life. Today I felt it deserved a shout out. This beautiful orange door is the entrance to the Grace Church school, located on Fourth Avenue between 10th and 11th Streets in New York City.

This stunning Episcopal church was designed in the French Gothic style by James Renwick Jr., a nephew of Henry Brevoort (of the New York social elite connected to the Astor family through marriage, and who owned the property at the time). The church was consecrated in 1846 and has been deemed one of New York City’s greatest treasures, obtaining National Historic Landmark status in 1974.

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