Make It, Eat It: Kouign Amann

December 6, 2014 § 5 Comments

It’s grey outside.  The kind of grey that blankets the entire sky, blocking out every last ray of sunshine.  And it’s cold.  We’re in for the long haul.  Winter hasn’t even officially begun and I’m already feeling moody from the moody weather; the kind of weather that lends itself well to one thing – baking!

For some reason, baking always makes me feel a little better, even if I can’t eat the concoction I pull out of the oven (thank you food sensitivities).  The sweetie recently brought my attention to a delicious pastry he wanted to try called kouign amann – a sweet, flakey cousin of the croissant – oh, the buttery goodness.  We had been meaning to pick one up while in Montreal, but it never came to pass.  Since he seemed downtrodden by missing out, I decided to conjure up a batch for him as a belated birthday present.

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Kouign Amman originates from Brittany, France, literally meaning “butter cake” in Breton.  It can seem intimidating at first glance.  I’ve been wanting to try my hand at baking croissants for as long as I can remember, but all of the butter folding and dough chilling seemed like a real challenge.  I didn’t realize this particular pastry called for a very similar technique, but I was in too deep.  I had to bite the bullet and give it a shot.


I found a most wonderful recipe at The Kitchn.  Emma Christensen provides step by step directions equipped with pictures!  Not only is this super helpful, it also makes the recipe totally doable.  The whole thing takes a few hours from start to finish.  I made and shaped the dough a night before, then woke up early the next morning to let the dough temper and rise and bake just in time for breakfast.  Try adding some cinnamon to the sugar mixture for added bliss!  I highly encourage you all to give it a shot if you find yourself in a rut from these winter blues.  The aroma of caramelizing sugar will raise your spirits and fill your home for days to come.

Don’t have French pastry equipment sitting around?  Check out the following links to outfit your kitchen with goodness:

Sleek Measuring Spoons from One Kings Lane:


Marble Pastry Slab from Crate and Barrel:

Tapered Rolling Pin from William Sonoma:

Rolling Pin

Vintage Wooden Rolling Pin from The Rooster’s Nest on Etsy:

Vintage Rolling Pin

Large Wire Cooling Rack from Bed Bath & Beyond:

Cooling Rack

Dough Scraper from Hunting for George:

dough scraper

Vintage Dough Scraper (needs a serious cleaning, but gorgeous) from Copper and Tin on Etsy:


Olive + Gourmando, Montreal

December 3, 2014 § 2 Comments

There is no lack of delicious eats in the city of Montreal, with plenty of places for culinary indulgences that would stand out just about anywhere.  I was lucky enough to visit a few of these foodie outposts on a recent trip over a long weekend.  I had the good fortune of going on a dimly lit, romantic dinner date at Le Bremner, and it is fair to say I tasted the best chicken of my life at Joe Beef.  The sweetie and I also managed to grab a meal at La Salle À MangerLawrence, and Garde Manger.  After all of the plates we licked clean, however, I can safely say that nothing stole my heart quite like Olive + Gourmando.DSC00929 - Version 2

Oh Olive et Gourmando.  Won’t you be mine.  It was love at first sight with this cafe/patisserie/coffee spot.  I noticed it the first time I passed by, late at night mind you, long after the place had closed.  I could just tell there was magic inside.  The warm wood-framed windows are filled with produce, plants, and colorful knick knacks.  “What is that, a farmer’s market in there?”  Being the restaurantologist that he is, my man recognized the name right away and promised we’d come back for breakfast the next day.


A small, rounded entry vestibule greets you as you walk in – a very clever trick to keep out the frigid weather during the colder winter months.  As you step inside, you are welcomed by a large counter, covered with an overwhelming assortment of goodies.  The place is equipped with all the standard rustic accessories, still on point to give that farm-to-table vibe, not trite just yet.  Olive + Gourmando strikes that perfect balance of clutter and kitchiness without feeling contrived.  Most of the items lining the reclaimed looking wooden shelves are for sale and not just there to take up space.  Patrons can purchase t-shirts, coffee, and of course, any of an assortment of food options.

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On our first visit, we ordered a chocolatine and the house made ricotta “salty” – a delicious concoction of roasted squash purée, pears, watercress, toasted Marcona almonds, Piave cheese, and Aleppo peppers, served with toast.  I relaxed with a lovely mint green tea, while the sweetie made a ghost from the foam in his much enjoyed latte.

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We made sure to stop in every morning before our adventuring around town to pick up coffee and tea.  Sadly, due to the limited foods I am currently eating (thank you food allergies), I wasn’t able to try much of the baked goods beckoning to me from across the counter.  I was assured by many of the clientele and by my tough critic of a boyfriend that everything was mind-blowingly delicious.

Some menu highlights include: the house made ricotta “salty” or “sweet,” the banana chocolate brioche, the brownie, the daily salad, and the “poached egg on your face” panini.  Check out the tasty offerings below —

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All of the ingredients are super fresh, many are organic, and are a true reflection of the cafe’s seasonal mission.  Though there’s usually a line noodling its way towards the door, it’s well worth the wait, and if you’re in a rush or eager to get out and experience the city, you can always grab something at their to go counter.  Enjoy and Bon Apétit!

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Olive + Gourmando is located at 351 Saint-Paul W., Montreal, QC H2Y 2A7 Phone: 514-350-1083   Hours of Operation: Tuesday to Saturday, 8am to 5pm

From Where I Stand: Mile End, Montreal

December 1, 2014 § 2 Comments

There’s nothing like walking around with your sweetheart on a Fall day, all wrapped up in knitted layers, feeling a nip in the air, and taking in the intoxicating scent of smoked meat.  Oh Montreal, how I love you.  I passed this intriguing street art piece while walking to Eva B, one of the city’s most entertaining vintage boutiques (costumes, coffee, cookies, and clothes — yes please).  I love the colors and the subject matter.  Looks like the skeleton’s about to eat that car!


Street Art in Mile End, Montreal

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