The End of Street Style? You Decide.

February 24, 2015 § 1 Comment

Racked’s recent article, “The Meteoric Rise and Painfully Slow Death of Street Style,” suggests that perhaps the era of fashionista trendspotting has come to an end.  The apt timeline paints a bleak, yet ironic picture of the fashion world and its obsession with finding the newest, hottest look; no longer on the runway, not even downtown, but rather wherever style flaunters are willing to parade themselves in front of hordes of cameras.  As further proof, Amy Odell of NY Magazines The Cut and Citizen Couture notoriety pulls a fast one on fashion photogs by setting a street style trap, and triumphing.

What are your thoughts?  Do you think our obsession with street style fashion has run its course? Watch and decide:

Obsession of the week: Pierre Paulin Desks

February 23, 2015 § Leave a comment

An inspiring work space can make these cold winter Mondays a little more tolerable.  Sure, plenty of us have used the kitchen table as a designated surface for tossing mail, paying bills, or catching up on emails, but what an annoyance to have papers piled up around you while you’re eating breakfast.  However small your apartment, there are plenty of space saving, home office solutions to satisfy any needs.

Lately, I’ve been admiring the feminine lines and light, airy feel of Pierre Paulin’s designs.  My personal favorite is his oak desk with single floating drawer.  The metal legs and drawer pull are minimal and chic, while the inset legs provide for a base molding bypass, allowing the desk to sit flush against any wall.

Add a colorful filing cabinet or mid-century magazine rack and you’re literally in business.

Filing Cabinet

CB2‘s TPS Filing Cabinet in Mint


Mag Rack

Perforated Magazine Rack from Picasso Vintage


The attractive little space you carve out for yourself will be more relaxing, and sure beats spilling coffee and bacon grease on your cell-phone bill.

Winter Blues? Create Some Spring!

February 21, 2015 § 2 Comments

In a serious effort to battle these seemingly never-ending, dreary winter days, I’ve taken in some new friends.  A cat lady, I’ll never be.  Though I love those furry critters, I’m more of a dog person.  In my tiny apartment, however, this kind of company could never work.  Instead, I’ve been bringing too many of a different kind of friend home: the gorgeous, pluming beauties that instantly add a bright, organic vibe to any space.

In desperate need of some spring lovin’, I’ve been ogling stunning images of surfaces covered in potted plants of all types, ranging from tiny micro-terrariums to the enormous fiddle leaf fig tree.  It was just a matter of time before I was hooked.

First came my small collection of succulents: the hearty plants that require little attention.  Then came the beautiful Lemon Balm plant, a gift from a friend, whose dried leaves make for a lovely, uplifting tea.  Sadly, it wasn’t long before I learned I might be without a green thumb.  Much to my surprise, my apartment felt emptier when the lemon balm had to go, and I wanted to bring back the simple pleasure it brought to my home.

Due to my lack of natural gardening talent, I spent much time researching apartment friendly foliage.  I moved onto the more urban-tolerable ferns.  Then picked up some more succulents.  Then came a small olive tree from One Kings Lane, which though had arrived in a broken ceramic pot, seemed incredibly robust considering its long journey.

Each species of plant exudes a different personality, and in my opinion, more plants just add to the party.  When spring finally comes around (which though close, feels SO far away), I’d love to welcome a tree for the corner of my apartment.  Fiddle leaf fig, I’m coming for you.  One problem remains, however: with all of this attractive company around, there should be proper attire.  Below are some gorgeous planter selections I have my eye on.  Check out the links and you can bring them to your home too!

Tripod Bowl from Atelier Stella:


White Studded Ceramic Planter from Oli’s Cupboard on Etsy:


Handmade Cream and Black Planter from Crackled Up on Etsy:


Tiny Geometric Faceted Copper Planter from Redwood Stoneworks on Etsy:


Three-Legged Cat Planter in Black from Greatly:


Follow my Plants are Friends Pinterest Board for updated plant goodness!


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