Winter Blues? Create Some Spring!

February 21, 2015 § 2 Comments

In a serious effort to battle these seemingly never-ending, dreary winter days, I’ve taken in some new friends.  A cat lady, I’ll never be.  Though I love those furry critters, I’m more of a dog person.  In my tiny apartment, however, this kind of company could never work.  Instead, I’ve been bringing too many of a different kind of friend home: the gorgeous, pluming beauties that instantly add a bright, organic vibe to any space.

In desperate need of some spring lovin’, I’ve been ogling stunning images of surfaces covered in potted plants of all types, ranging from tiny micro-terrariums to the enormous fiddle leaf fig tree.  It was just a matter of time before I was hooked.

First came my small collection of succulents: the hearty plants that require little attention.  Then came the beautiful Lemon Balm plant, a gift from a friend, whose dried leaves make for a lovely, uplifting tea.  Sadly, it wasn’t long before I learned I might be without a green thumb.  Much to my surprise, my apartment felt emptier when the lemon balm had to go, and I wanted to bring back the simple pleasure it brought to my home.

Due to my lack of natural gardening talent, I spent much time researching apartment friendly foliage.  I moved onto the more urban-tolerable ferns.  Then picked up some more succulents.  Then came a small olive tree from One Kings Lane, which though had arrived in a broken ceramic pot, seemed incredibly robust considering its long journey.

Each species of plant exudes a different personality, and in my opinion, more plants just add to the party.  When spring finally comes around (which though close, feels SO far away), I’d love to welcome a tree for the corner of my apartment.  Fiddle leaf fig, I’m coming for you.  One problem remains, however: with all of this attractive company around, there should be proper attire.  Below are some gorgeous planter selections I have my eye on.  Check out the links and you can bring them to your home too!

Tripod Bowl from Atelier Stella:


White Studded Ceramic Planter from Oli’s Cupboard on Etsy:


Handmade Cream and Black Planter from Crackled Up on Etsy:


Tiny Geometric Faceted Copper Planter from Redwood Stoneworks on Etsy:


Three-Legged Cat Planter in Black from Greatly:


Follow my Plants are Friends Pinterest Board for updated plant goodness!


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