Adore A Door: 10 Whitby Street, London

August 20, 2014 § 2 Comments

Just brilliant!  World, I am back from across the pond and after a month of traveling, some medical woes, and some major post-design job decompression, I have returned to you.

Whitby Street, London

Whitby Street, London

To make up for my absence, I thought I would post a double dose of Adore A Door – two doors in one!  I spotted these while wandering around my new favorite neighborhood in East London, Shoreditch.  The area is filled with beautiful street art and Whitby Street is no exception.

This entry caught my eye immediately.  What can I say, I’ve always been drawn to geometric graphics.  The lines and triangles are great on their own, but the combination of colors really stood out to me.  I love the use of primaries with pastels and the black and white striping mimicking the iron gate.

I am not sure who or what resides here, but I took the message to heart: “LAUGH MORE.”  That’s a prescription we could all use.

Adore A Door: Grace Church

March 14, 2013 § Leave a comment

Funny the things that go unseen until we take notice. Of course, this statement seems rather obvious, but lately I’ve been making a concerted effort to be more mindful and appreciative of my surroundings.


Grace Church School

I’ve passed this door many times throughout my life. Today I felt it deserved a shout out. This beautiful orange door is the entrance to the Grace Church school, located on Fourth Avenue between 10th and 11th Streets in New York City.

This stunning Episcopal church was designed in the French Gothic style by James Renwick Jr., a nephew of Henry Brevoort (of the New York social elite connected to the Astor family through marriage, and who owned the property at the time). The church was consecrated in 1846 and has been deemed one of New York City’s greatest treasures, obtaining National Historic Landmark status in 1974.

Adore A Door: Krause Music Store

January 23, 2013 § 5 Comments

As one of America’s most respected Architects and mentor to the renowned Frank Lloyd Wright, there is much to be said about Louis Sullivan.  A single post simply could not do him justice.  This building is so gorgeous, however, perhaps it speaks for itself.


Louis Sullivan’s Krause Music Store – Photo Courtesy of GGC Inc.

Today’s Adore A Door features the exterior of the Krause Music store, Sullivan’s last commissioned work.  It was built in 1922, and is located in the Lincoln Square Business District of Chicago.  The elaborate design strays from Sullivan’s famous utilitarian concept “form follows function,” but the ornamental facade is truly one of beauty.  It is made of terra cotta and features a large key emblazoned with a K (for Krause, of course).  The building has two main entrances: one leading into the music store, the other leading to an upstairs apartment.

To read more about the award-winning restoration by Studio V Design, check out this post from GGC Inc.

Adore A Door: Isfahan, Iran

December 13, 2012 § 2 Comments

This stunning door can be found at Sheikh Lotf Allah Mosque in Imam Square, Isfahan, Iran. Initially built as a private mosque of the royal court, construction of this exceptional example of Safavid Iranian architecture began in 1603 and was completed in 1618. It is now a registered UNESCO world heritage site.


An Entrance to Sheikh Lotf Allah Mosque –
Photo Courtesy of Momentary Awe Photography

The traditional Iranian tiles match color and complexity with the simple and bold. It is a lovely demonstration of mixing graphic patterns in a cohesive manner. The worn wood adds a touch of warmth; simply gorgeous.

Adore A Door: Jaipur, India

December 7, 2012 § 1 Comment

Gorgeous door spotted in Jaipur, India by Emerald Traveler.  Thanks for the beautiful image!  The details and color palette are phenomenal: wood mixed with what looks to be brass, blue tile, stucco walls, white rectangles framed by black borders, and those lights!  If you look really closely, you can see an interesting reflection on the windows inside.

Beautiful Door in Jaipur, India

Adore A Door: Sandy’s Coming

October 29, 2012 § Leave a comment

Well, she sure knows how to make headlines.  Today’s Adore A Door is in honor of all of those in Hurricane Sandy’s path.  Also known as “Franenstorm,” this category one/nor’easter hybrid is barreling her way up the Northeastern coast of the United States.  From North Carolina to parts of Canada, all the way to the Ohio Valley, millions of people will be feeling her wrath (if they aren’t already).

Photo Courtesy of NYTimes

This photo is featured on the front page of today’s New York Times.  “Jon Cronin, left, with his son, Miles, 4, stacked sandbags against the entrance to his wife’s art studio on the Red Hook waterfront in Brooklyn. The building is within the mandatory evacuation zone.”

The storm is certainly a danger, but in an attempt to sustain even just a thread of optimism, I’d like to acknowledge how incredibly adorable this team is.  The matching black and white French stripes and black pants.  The white sand bags against the black carriage doors.  The patchy red brick.  The teamwork and love demonstrated between the two.  This photo is beautiful.

Good luck to everyone in harm’s way.  Sending prayers and love.  Be safe.  United we stand.

Adore A Door: Amsterdam, Holland

October 27, 2012 § Leave a comment

What’s black and white and red all over?  This fantastic entrance in the Jordaan neighborhood of Amsterdam.  Is that a golden turnip at the top?  Or perhaps a rutabaga?  Either way, the contrasting colors and textures make this door a stand out.

Adore A Door: Neve Tzedek, Israel

October 25, 2012 § 1 Comment

A lovely combination of blue painted wrought iron, cream colored stone, natural wood shutters, and bright pink flowers.  This entrance can be found along the old streets of Neve Tzedek in Tel Aviv, Israel.  To where does this door lead?

Adore A Door: Climbing Up The Walls; Neve Tzedek, Israel

October 23, 2012 § Leave a comment

The narrow streets of Neve Tzedek are picturesque, filled with century old structures that house little shops, cafes, and stunningly beautiful homes.  Though technically a part of Tel Aviv, this neighborhood actually predates the urban hub. It was established in 1887 by a group of Jewish families looking for relief from the bustle of Jaffa.  The area fell into disarray in the middle of the 20th century, but went through a period of revival after many of its buildings were placed on preservation lists in the 1980s.  Nowadays, Neve Tzedek is quite the popular destination.

For an area overflowing with charm, one house seems to attract more attention than the rest.  This structure sits on a street corner, where figures sit on benches and cling to railings; some even seem to hang out of windows.


The sculptures are beautiful: chubby and cheerful.  Of course, I couldn’t help but notice the ornate bright red door at the entrance.


Adore A Door: Jaffa, Israel

October 21, 2012 § Leave a comment

A collection of doors in the ancient port of Jaffa (or Yafo), Israel.  The details are beautiful; check out the locks, windows, grating, and of course, the colors.  I wonder how old they are?  Interesting how the pointed arch, also known in Gothic architecture as a lancet arch, frames the window.


Doors in Jaffa, Israel

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